Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 13, 2016

Hello everyone!

This was a great week.  At church I taught a lesson on priesthood organizations in Chinese.  I still do not remember some of the names of the priesthood organizations in Chinese, but the Chinese people sometimes say them in English anyway.  So, my Chinese is still not too good.

On Monday we had a big meeting with a few of the church leaders in the primary, general relief society as well as our area seventy and his wife. It was very enlightening.  It made the rest of our p-day better.  The speakers shared a lot of their experiences of their mission with us, and talked about our purpose as missionaries.  When I was in Tasmania, I started studying the purpose of missionaries a lot.  It has changed my attitude on my mission a lot.

We often recite the purpose which is: Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus 
Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptismreceiving the gift of the Holy Ghostand enduring to the end.

My birthday is in a couple of days and I almost forgot my own birthday so I do not blame others for forgetting.  Happy Birthday Jacob, Kaitlyn, Grandpa and soon Aunt Verna.

Elder Jordan Andersen
76 Cathies Lane
Wantirna South VIC 3152

June 5, 2016

This week is great, but I do not have much time to write.  

We had transfers.  I will stay here and then I am back with Elder Dang again.  We have had not much time to do finding this week because we have been preparing our old flat to sell and cleaning out our new flat.  I have also been dealing with some things for BYU.  We also went to the city for a baptism. 

We did a tree planting service project a few days ago.  It rained and we thought no one was going to come, but then a bunch of people from our church came.  I also went to this service project last year.  The trees that we planted last year had grown quite a bit.

Church was pretty good.  There was a very old Chinese lady that bore her testimony.  Her testimony was super powerful.  I am out of time now.  Until next week.  

Sunday, June 5, 2016

May 29, 2016: Time is flying by quickly.

Hello Everyone!

This week is the last week of the transfer.  My companion Elder Jiang will be moving to the city.  I will serve with Elder Dang.  I have served with him before in the city.  He was a good companion, and has a lot of potential.

I know my return date now.  I will return in about three months and start school immediately.  I can't believe time has flown by this quickly.  I still have a lot of time left though and there is still so much to do in this area.

We are not able to meet with a ton of people this week because there are exams at the local university.  Everyone has to study.

There is a recent convert here named Sam.  He has twin sisters who also recently joined the church.  They are really awesome members and you can tell how their progression has helped them and their family.  Sam blesses the sacrament almost every week.  On Sunday he bore his testimony and it was such a great testimony.  During the second, another awesome member named Phoebe taught a lesson on the atonement.  She had us read this talk which is one of my favorite talks.


The atonement is real.  It is the only way to repent of our sins.  Many really do not use it enough, but it is really the foundation of our religion.

We will be moving into another apartment and the apartment we are moving into is super nice.

Until next week.

Elder Jordan Andersen
76 Cathies Lane
Wantirna South VIC 3152