Another great week. Transfers are coming up. Elder Eyring and I work well together so I would not mind staying. The only bad thing about our area is that our "flat" or apartment is a little suspect. We spent all morning today cleaning it. I fixed a leak in it yesterday.
The church held a BBQ since almost all of the people that left to China for the summer are back now for school. It was a lot of fun. We had a potluck, and played some games. Then the missionaries and the members did a little comedy play, which illustrated how we need to get ready for church on Saturday. It was pretty funny. I had a small part in the play. Then there were some great singing performances, a slideshow, and a talk by our branch president. We invited a ton of people to this, but only a couple came at the end. It is quite far from our area.
Our progressing investigator Bonnie is doing very well. We had to move her baptismal date back because she had tons of assignments things for school. When we told her about this, at first she was like "What What, Shenme yisi?" But then she said that would be so much better for her. The issue was that on the weekend we had originally scheduled, she could not take two days off in a row, a day for the baptism and a day for confirmation at church. The students here are so busy. The other thing is that we may get transferred before she gets baptized, but it is more important that she is able to attend church and do her schoolwork on Saturday.
Oh yeah, and I taught her this week while on exchanges. She found a injured crow in the road and some stranger put it in a box for her. She wanted to find a shelter for the crow, but she said she would just come to the church because we had to start our lesson. So she rode the train and came into the church with the injured crow. We had a long conversation, and finally some other missionaries agreed to take the crow to drop the crow off at the botanical gardens. Then we were able to start the lesson. We basically had two lessons. The first half, we taught her the rest of the commandments we had not taught, and then the second half we went over the baptismal interview questions. I think she is ready.
The president came to our branch and did interviews. The interviews were super short. President Maxwell is super busy. But it is always uplifting when him and his wife came. While waiting for the interview, we played missionary jeopardy with his wife. That was fun.
The Formula one races happened this week. Though we could occasionally hear the racing and the fly-overs, we couldn't go. But today is going to be a fun Zone P-day. The activity is still to come, but they don't tell us what the activity is.
This library computer has 30 seconds left until it shuts down. Until next week.
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