Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Kangaroos, Kangaroos and more Kangaroos!

Wow, so much happened this week! I saw my first Kangaroo!

So I got transferred to my new area, which is called Clayton. All of our investigators are college students and right now is finals, so most of them say they don't have enough time to meet with us. There are a few that we have been meeting with though, and they are progressing ok. Almost all of the contacting we do is at this huge bus station next to the university. It is convenient since we can walk to it from our house.

It feels interesting to be back in the city. Back to the branch, no more getting fed. haha. But I missed the city and I was super happy to see the missionaries and that a few new people had been baptized.

I am writing on Tuesday because yesterday was the Queen's Birthday, so all of the libraries were closed.

Yesterday was the best p-day ever. One of the members from my old area took me and another companionship to a place called Phillips Island. You can drive to there by bridge. So I did a companion split and was with another missionary for the whole day. We saw some super beautiful beaches. They were all next to cliffs, so they reminded me of the beaches in California. Unfortunately we were not allowed to go onto the beach. But there were stairs going down to the beach and we went to the very last stair step. It's been too long since I've seen the beach. Then he took us to these tide pools/rocks. The waves would hit the rocks and shoot up and spray water all over the place. We had a lot of fun.

Then we went to this open range zoo, which was probably the best part. I saw my first kangaroo! Not only that, I got to feed them, pet them, and shake hands with them. There were also a lot of Wallabies, which are like mini kangaroos. And Emus, which were scary. Sometimes they would fight for food. Apparently they make uggs out of Emus. We also saw porcupines and a Tasmanian devil, which looks like a distorted mini pig. The kangaroos were the best. A few of them had babies in their pouch. Most of them were shy. Some would hop towards you, and abruptly stop a foot away from you, which is scary. Some of them would use their paws to push your hand towards their mouth when you try to feed them. Super fun. I am so grateful to Sherman for taking us there.

And my companion is going home soon. This is his last week. So we will probably get to go to a lot of members' houses and go to a few other famous places. I am guessing next transfer I will stay here.

Until next week.

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