Sunday, February 7, 2016

Another Beautiful Week in Tasmania

Hello everyone! 

Even though the weather this week has not been all that good (it has been very rainy), we have still got the chance to meet with some new people. Recently we have been trying to get some new investigators, and we finally got some this week through calling the people we had contacted earlier. One of the people we visited lives in a home-stay, and most of the other people in her home-stay go to another church that seems to not like our church. Elder Dang talked with them for a while, and was able to explain some of our doctrines to them, and we hope that next time we come back, they can become new investigators.

Last p-day, we went to the southern arm, where there are some breathtaking caves and natural features, most of them involving water. That was a lot of fun.

And when we were there we saw this too.

This month we probably won’t be able to do another road trip, because we will have to drive up to the north of Tasmania for Zone meeting, which will use most of our allotted kilometers. That is next week, and I have to drive all the way there and back. When I finish my mission, my time spent driving on the left side of the road will be about the same amount of time spent on the right.

It was also Australia day a few days ago and there were some boat races at the beach near our house.We also had a party/bbq at the bishop’s house. It was a good day. Though the bishop’s barbecue had a lot of other types of food, I really like the barbecues here. All you need is 3 things; sausages, white bread and onions. You put the sausage into a piece of bread and put some onions and perhaps sauce on top. So you can feed a lot of people for very cheap and the food is good.

We went on exchanges last week and visited this investigator that has parrots! Sometimes you can see these outside and in the wild. 

A member lent us their sewing machine and my companion and I have made some awesome ties! 

Thank you for your prayers!


Elder Jordan Andersen
*76 Cathies Lane*
*Wantirna South VIC 3152*

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