Wednesday, March 9, 2016

So Long Tasmania, Hello Moorabbin

Well after 6 months in Tasmania, I am finally back on the mainland. I learned a lot during my time in Tasmania, and got help a few people receive the Gospel and baptism. More than any other area on my mission in fact. They moved us elders out of Tasmania, and moved sisters in. We moved into an area that sisters used to be in. I got moved to Moorabbin. I have served here once before with Elder Padillia. The area is a lot different right now. The sisters that used to be here baptized a few people, so we have some excellent recent converts as well as investigators. School is starting this week which means that everyone is busy, but there are a lot of new Chinese people. 

i really like my new companion. His name is Elder Ju. He is from Ha'er Bin China. He is one of the newer missionaries that came in while I was in Tasmania. He is a good teacher, and no real drama. He became friends with our investigators very quickly. 

They day i flew back to Melbourne, the Assistants drove us from the airport to the city branch. When we got there, an activity was just finishing. So I saw a lot of my friends and other missionaries that I had not seen for six months. A couple people got baptized, that I did not even know about. 

This week we have met with some of the new people. We had four lessons with members present, which is extremely high, but having a member present at your lesson really helps the investigator because some investigators feel a distance between themselves and the missionary. 

Well I have to go now. This computer is about to run out of time. Until next week!

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