Monday, May 25, 2015

An Eventful Week

Wow. A lot happened this week. Our chapel got broken into a couple of weeks ago. They damaged all of the doors that had locks on them to try to look for valuables but there are literally no valuables kept in the building. A carpenter who was a church member came to fix all of the doors. The guy has been working on the doors for a couple of days and he is still working on them. He lives far away so he has to sleep in his car, and he got very sick after the first couple days of work. So he asked for a blessing and I gave my first priesthood blessing. I did my best to have the spirit direct the prayer and it did because it was a good prayer, and I myself am not very eloquent. Hope he gets better.

This morning we went hiking near the Dandenong Mountains. A member went with us to show us where the best trail is. It was super beautiful. It reminded me of the rain-forests in Thailand. It is super green, and lots of different parrot looking birds. Then on the way down, we ran into everyone from the city branch. They were having their zone p-day. What are the odds. So we talked to them and hiked back down with them, and then  we joined their BBQ. 

After all of this fun we were late to our own zone's zone p-day. So we went to the chapel and did a lot of minute to win it games. Unfortunately we did not win any of them. But it was fun.

Since we did all of these activities today, we won't have much time to get groceries, but at least we get to email, which is probably my favorite part of p-day! Thanks for your letters!

A few days ago we taught our investigators from Box High. We shared a parable from the Book of Mormon. We had them read it and try to draw it on the board. This is how it turned out:

And here is how an artist interpreted it:

SO basically, The iron rod represents following Jesus, and the tree represents the love of God. The building represents the pride of the world. There are a lot of other meanings, but I don't have much time.
So I invite anyone reading this to read it for themselves and I know you will get something out of it.

Don't have much time left. Someone asked me some good questions that I will try to answer.

  • What us your favorite aspect of being a missionary? It is hard to say. It is nice having a solid purpose to everything you do. And that purpose is a good purpose. It's super cool to see the people you teach change and grow for the better.
  • What do you do on P-day? We shop. We try to plan a hoke or something but we end up running out of time or wanting to rest in the apartment. I know. Sad. But last week we did that hike which was super cool.
  • Do you feel there is one area your testimony has grown? I think every aspect of it has grown.
  • Is being on a mission easier or tougher than you expected? It is about as tough as I expected. Maybe a little easier. Like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. You can be more diligent and get more out of it. That is my goal but it is hard sometimes. 
  • Do you have an American accent when speaking Chinese? Yes.
  • Will you remain friends with your companions after the mission? Yeah but I will have to use WeChat for some of the Chinese people haha.

Until next week!

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