Monday, July 6, 2015

A Great Week

This was a great week. We had a lot more working hours this week compared to last week.

Yesterday we decided to go knocking on doors. We almost never do this. At the third door we knocked, the man let us in and we had a good talk with him. The guy was named Chen. He is here studying his PhD at the local college, and unlike most college students, he has a wife, and a small daughter. I can't wait to visit him.
I found out at church yesterday that Jessica, a woman I contacted in a train station in my old area, just got baptized. I am supper happy for her, but I feel a little bad because I doubted her at first. The first time we met with her, she was telling us how fun drinking and parties are. But I believe in the Atonement, and the atonement gives us the ability to change for the better.

Elder Padilla and I got some new tags that are super cool. The church does not let missionaries get these tags anymore here, so we used some connections to get them.

I still want a Taiwan pocket one though.  They can not make pocket ones here.

Things are a little hectic for college students right now because they are starting classes, and for some reason a lot of them are moving. (almost all of our investigators are college students that go to Monash University)There is this one investigator we have that says she will believe in God if we help her move. We will help her move this week, but we want her to believe in God for the right reasons.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I can't believe I am 19 and I feel like I may forget sometimes, when I tell people my age.

Until next week.

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