Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mission Life In The New Area

Well the first few days in this area Elder Padilla and I were struggling, but now we are doing pretty well. We still struggle with Chinese, but our teaching skills are getting better.

The first week we were here, we had 4 total lessons, then 6, then 12. So we did a lot of finding the first week, and now we have found some people who are interested, and are teaching them. The biggest problem is still that the church is pretty far away. So we are telling people that we will take the train with them to church. We will see if that works.

I am not sure why President put us together as companions, but my companion read this talk, and it answered my question:

Our area is huge. Yesterday we drove to an area an hour away to visit some less actives. 

My dad asked about what activities we have. This was my answer:
Our usual activities are FHE and English class. For FHE, someone usually shares a short message, then they play a group game, and then we have some snack. We almost never go to English class because it is taught by senior missionaries, but it has 3 levels, and it helps people prepare for this standardized English test.  

Our apartment right now is one of the better ones, though we have to use a wrench to turn the sink on and off, and the concrete walls are always moist when we wake up for some reason.

Sorry that this letter does not follow an organized train of thought.

My old companion Elder LeCates wrote me this week and told me about BYU and all of the movies he has watched since he has been home. That made me a little "trunky" haha.

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